Bufff la feinada que he tingut per tornar a fer aquesta entrada!!! Ja no recordava com fer-ho!!!!
Després de mooooolt temps publico una entrada per entrar de ple en una inciativa genial: PHOTO CHALLENGE de KDS!! Tinc moltes ganes de participar a vore si arribo fins el final!!
A vore qui més s'anima a participar, té pinta de ser divertit
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Jenny | 12 de juny del 2013, a les 1:14
Hola wapa!! Per fi per aki!! M´agrada seguir-te de nou.
Anònim | 26 de juny del 2013, a les 13:50
Ei però penja les fotos (les mateixes que instagram) de la preciositat de mini que t'ha quedat! jijiji <3
Amb Ulls de Scrap | 30 de novembre del 2013, a les 10:06
Tinc una coseta per a tu al meu blog.
Un petonarro!
Customersupport | 24 de desembre del 2018, a les 11:38
Are you unable to receive the verification code on your phone in Binance? If yes, dial Binance Support phone Number
+1800-665-6722 immediately and grab easiest and best solutions to fix such errors in a jiffy. With the assistance of experts, your errors will be eradicated in the fraction of seconds with utmost perfection. You can contact these skilled and talented experts at any time as per the convenience and necessity.
Customersupport | 28 de febrer del 2019, a les 20:21
Are you ready to set two-factor authentication in your Blockchain account? If while applying the process of 2fa, you get into errors, you are advised to deal with the team of executives who have got all the remedies to tackle all the errors and glitches. Just dial Blockchain Support Phone Number+1 (800) 861-8259 which is functional and users at their availability can connect with the team
Jack john | 28 de febrer del 2019, a les 21:33
Are you facing error in accessing the Bitcoin exchange account in Gemini? The best way to deal with all the Gemini issues is to dial Gemini support phone number 1-800-861-8259. The team of skilled and adroit customer care will put all their efforts to find the best possibilities to solve your problem. You can even look for remedies on forum platform but if still not able to find any resolution, dial their toll free number and talk to professionals for easiest solutions. They are available 24/7 for your best assistance